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The Strachan Partnership - Spring 2022 Newsletter

We trust that you have been enjoying the spring season and are looking forward to having a lovely summer without any meeting or travel restrictions which we endured over the last two years when trying to spend time with family and friends.

Please find our latest newsletter by clicking this link which has some interesting articles in relation to savings and investments with inflation really affecting the value of funds that are kept on deposit, sitting in cash while loosing its spendable value. Also, there is a good article in relation to inheritance tax(IHT) for gifting funds out of your regular income while mitigating any IHT liability.

On a personal note, several of our clients have been asking if we have been able to return to the Philippines since the beginning of the Pandemic and fortunately the borders of that country reopened back in February allowing us to return a few weeks ago during Easter. It was great to be back at Sefton Village Children’s Home which has been very close to our hearts since 2007 of which Grace and Grace Louise are board members. Also, it was lovely to be back visiting our longstanding tribal friends whom its always a joy to visit while appreciating their simple life compared to what we have in the western world.

Have a great summer with your friends and family.

Best Regards,

Grace Louise Strachan

Client Relationship Associate

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